Casual Valentine’s Day Outfits

Casual Valentine's Outfits

Casual Valentine Outfits

Casual Valentine's Outfit
Top (similar) // Alternate Top // Belt // Jeans // Shoes (similar)

Valentine’s Day Yeah or Nah?

I don’t know why but I have always been pretty ambivalent about Valentine’s day. Don’t get me wrong, I always love giving and receiving gifts but I don’t hold any special affinity for this particular holiday. That may be the reason, way back when, I was willing to accept a second date on Valentine’s day with my now, hubby, after three months of no contact.

Since our first date in November, I hadn’t heard from him at all. I had heard through the grapevine that he was out of the country first in Mexico and then in Canada. There were cell phones at this time but people didn’t really use them internationally for personal reasons. He arrived back in my social circle in early February and asked me out for Valentine’s. I am not even sure why I said yes after so long, but he was a nice guy and I was thirty.

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2nd Date on Valentine’s Day

I am so glad I said yes. We have been married 17 years now. Valentine’s day is still not a big deal to us. After, almost a year dating, the topic of Xmas and New Year’s came up. He regularly spent those two weeks in Cabo at his BFF’s family house. I sat him down and told him, I didn’t get into a relationship to spend Christmas and New Year’s alone. It led to a discussion of expectations and I told him, I think that a couple should make an effort to be together for six specific dates a year – their anniversary, Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Year’s and each other’s birthdays. Valentine’s day didn’t even make the list. We have now amended the list to include our children’s birthdays.

Casual Valentine's Day
Top // Denim // Flats (similar)

Valentine’s Day Outfit Ideas

Fast forward several years, Valentine’s day is two kids, school parties, heart-shaped cookies, Valentine’s cards and candy. Valentine’s is a fun holiday which reminds me just how much I love my family and the color red. We usually celebrate as a family with take-out dinner and a yummy dessert. We always decorate heart cookies with red frosting and sprinkles. For me, Valentine’s day is a casual, family affair. I try and bring my festive A game with a cute new red top or something with hearts on it. It is almost always comfortable.

Valentine's Casual
Coat // Top // Jeans // Shoes (similar)

Casual Night Out Top
Top (similar) // Denim // Shoes (similar)

Valentine’s Top Round-Up

This year, I am planning a casual red top with jeans. Valentine’s Day is Thursday and Cameron and I are off for another tournament Friday. This time in Texas. What are your family traditions for Valentine’s Day? Here’s a round-up of tops, I think are great for a casual Valentine’s day.


StyleDahlia is a fashion and lifestyle website with a modern take on midlife. We celebrate the beauty in life whether it be fashion, travel, or home. StyleDahlia offers and honest take on aging, fashion and life. Our hope is to inspire you to see the beauty in life, step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and live your life in full bloom.

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