Did You Take the 10 Year Challenge?

Did you take the 10 yr. Challenge?

Have you taken part in the “10 Year Challenge” yet? Are you familiar with the challenge? The premise is, you post of pic of you from 2009 alongside a pic from you in 2019. I have also heard it called the “How Badly Did You Age Challenge” but who want to call it that? Those ten years, happen to be the start and end of my forties. I turn the big 5-0 in November. Of course, over the last ten years, I have aged. Wouldn’t it be strange if I hadn’t? What is far more interesting to me is how I have grown during that time.

For me, the 20’s were about discovering who I am. The 30’s were for building my family and the my 40’s were all about personal growth. As with any growth, there is bound to be growing pains. As I stand here on the cusp of 50, I am sure it is natural to self-reflect and I can definitely say these ten years have allowed me to grow in so many new ways.

10 yr. Challenge ~ My 40’s

At forty, I was the mom of young children 3 and 6. I was deeply intrenched in mommy-hood and loving every moment. It was strange for this girl, who grew up thinking she would never have children. Being a mom is deeply fulfilling in a way nothing else has been. I volunteered heavily in the PTA and was active in my 12-step group.

As we say in that 12-step group, whether it is good or bad, “this too shall pass”. And pass it did. My mother died when I was 44 leaving me parentless and dealing with seismic grief. My grief became depression, which took the form of extreme anxiety and aggression. I have never truly been suicidal but being an addict, I have always been self-destructive. That grief forced me to ultimately acknowledge the fact that I was in a full-blown depression. Unfortunately, not in time to avoid it affecting my reputation and “friendships” in the community (that is a story for another day).

As a result, I retreated from many areas of my life. Thanks to a helpful therapist’s suggestion, I sought help from a psychiatrist, and so began my journey back to myself.

Through my experience, I learned so many lessons about what is actually important. I learned to honor my true nature and accept all parts of me – the good, the bad and the ugly. Because of that difficult time, I was released from caring about what negative people think. I learned that what you say about me, has more to do with you, than it does with me. At my core, I know, like me or not, I will never compromise my values to hurt someone or to get what I want (too bad so many others will). I realized that despite struggling with depression, I am a good person.

10 yr. Challenge ~ My looming 50’s

In many ways my 40’s prepared me for this moment right now. It has given me the courage to follow my dream and start this blog. Allowed me to walk through the fear of putting myself out there and strengthened me to be genuine and real with you in a way I would not have been able to before. It solidified my friendships with those who have proven they will stand by me no matter what. I don’t need many, I just need a few and the few I have, are golden.

At the top of this post, I have included a pic from 2009 and recent photo. I can definitely see the march of time across my face. My weight at times is up and other times is down. There is no way to get from 40 to almost 50 without some aging. If I am honest, I would rather not become too wrinkled and I plan to fight with all the tools available but, I am not afraid of the future either. I know that as time goes by, I have continued to ripen like a fine wine (this wino finds that funny!). Or maybe I should say, age like a beautiful Hermes Birkin bag.

10 yrs into the future ~ Growing Old

Women who have already passed through their 50’s speak about the freeing of the spirit brought by shedding the allure of youth. It always has confused me that so many people want to return to being young. Each year that passes, bring new hopes, new dreams and new hardships. It promises growth and new experience. I look to the future with hope. I am excited to write the next chapter in my story. So, for me, the ten year challenge looks to the future as I continue to grow and evolve into the person God intends me to be.

Want to know more about me? See my bio. More about StyleDahlia here.


StyleDahlia is a fashion and lifestyle website with a modern take on midlife. We celebrate the beauty in life whether it be fashion, travel, or home. StyleDahlia offers and honest take on aging, fashion and life. Our hope is to inspire you to see the beauty in life, step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and live your life in full bloom.

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  1. 1.19.19
    Ann Cline said:

    So many good things and a great example you are setting for those watching you grow…including me. Great blog!

    • 1.28.19
      admin said:

      Thank you Ann. Love you and miss you!

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