What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

Around this time of year, my husband uses this question as a conversation starter, to get our teenagers to put down their phones and engage. Inwardly, I always cringe as I am not a fan of the mindless resolution. A resolution by definition is passive. It is just a decision. It requires no action. The kids usually grumble something about it not being a modern concept and go back to their phones. My husband will ask again and again, he is tenacious like that, until they muster up something they want to work on or at least something to appease their dad.

For me, goal setting for the new year is a private thing. It may be my introvert nature but I like to contemplate quietly, plan accordingly and avoid loud proclamations. And if I am being honest, there is likely a part that keeps plans private should I fail, less accountability. Of course, this flies in the face of every self-help coach from Steven Covey to Bob Harper.

New Year’s Action Plan

Instead of a resolution, I prefer an action plan. When I goal set for a new year, any goal must be accompanied by an actual plan to reach it. I cannot say my goal is to lose 10 lbs. and not have an eating and exercise plan associated. Otherwise, for me the goal is just a pipe dream. I know this seems like common sense but it amazes me how many people state their resolutions but then take no active steps to reach their goal.

This year I have many goals which I am keeping to myself, but I have this one big goal that is definitely out there and public. I want to make StyleDahlia successful, filled with quality content and useful information. Of course, for me, putting myself out there is a little scary. But I am willing to walk through the fear to find my passion.

Another thing I do every year is dedicate my year to improving my character. I believe strongly in the power of intention. I usually pick a theme for the year and work on strengthening those qualities which exemplify that theme. In the past, I have focused my year on compassion, peace, strength and my personal relationship with God. Some of these themes lend well to action plans but others such as compassion are more difficult. With all of these, I start my day focusing my energy on being more….(insert theme). This doesn’t have to be a big thing. I often do this in the shower. In bed at night, I review my day and see where my focus was strong and where I could improve. It doesn’t take long to see growth in these areas if given a little focus.

Of course, all of this works in a normal, uneventful year but sometimes the shit hits the fan and all you can do is hang on. I have had a few of those years recently and survival becomes my only focus. There is nothing wrong with at the end of a really difficult year, just saying, “I am still here” and be proud of that fact.

Whether you firmly believe in New Year’s resolutions or not, January 1st is a new beginning. A chance to start afresh. A chance to recommit to what is important. If you believe in resolutions, goal setting or your life is currently just about hanging on, I hope 2019 is everything you hope it to be and more.

I would love to hear what your thoughts are on New Year’s resolutions. Do you make them? Hate them?


StyleDahlia is a fashion and lifestyle website with a modern take on midlife. We celebrate the beauty in life whether it be fashion, travel, or home. StyleDahlia offers and honest take on aging, fashion and life. Our hope is to inspire you to see the beauty in life, step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and live your life in full bloom.

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